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This star could become one of the most powerful magnets in the universe

Science Aug 17, 2023 at 13:17

This star could become one of the most powerful magnets in the universe

It’s believed that upon the death of super-magnetic star HD 45166, it will collapse under its own gravity and become an extremely compact core with an even more powerful magnetic field.

Astronomers have uncovered a star that appears on course to become one of the strongest magnets in the universe.

HD 45166 is 3,000 light years away and was spotted with multiple telescopes dotted all over the Earth, not that it’s particularly inconspicuous.

Rich in helium, this interstellar behemoth is a few times bigger than our sun.

But experts are more interested in what awaits it after death, when they believe it will become a magnetar.

These super-dense dead stars boast ultra-strong magnetic fields – the most powerful in existence.

While they are found all over our galaxy, astronomers are unsure how they form and hope that finding a likely future candidate will shed more light on their origins.

Based on the data collected from various telescopes, HD 45166 has a magnetic field of 43,000 gauss, which makes it the most magnetic massive star ever found.