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New NHS heartburn surgery means man can ‘eat what he wants’ this Christmas

Healthcare Jan 3, 2024 at 17:38

New NHS heartburn surgery means man can 'eat what he wants' this Christmas

“I’m going to have so many pigs-in-blankets on the side of my dinner that I wouldn’t have had last year,” said Jeff Cohen. He had acid rising up from his stomach for so long it impaired normal muscle contractions in his gullet, but underwent a new surgical procedure.

A man who had heartburn that was so severe he would sometimes regurgitate his food has finally been cured with a “revolutionary” new surgical procedure.

Jeff Cohen had trouble swallowing more than a mouthful or two because acid had been rising up from his stomach for so long that it impaired the normal muscle contractions in his oesophagus, or gullet.

“It would sit there, heavy in my chest, like a blockage,” he said.

“But now I can eat without having to worry. The food goes straight down, like normal.”